Sufi Manuscript Cultures I (8-9 October 2021)
Centre for Anatolian and East Mediterranean Studies, University of St Andrews, 8-9 October 2021, Online and In Person
On the 8-9 October 2021, the Centre for Anatolian and East Mediterranean Studies (CAEMS) at the University of St Andrews will host the first workshop as part of the Sufi Manuscript Cultures 1200-1800 research project. This project is primarily funded by The Royal Society of Edinburgh, and is being conducted in partnership with the Centre for the Study of Manuscripts Cultures, University of Hamburg, the Institute of Iranian Studies at the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, and the Nafi Baba Centre for the Study of Sufism, History and Cultural Heritage, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul.
The programme for the workshop is available below, and abstracts for each talk are available here.
Friday October 8
PANEL 1: 1.30 pm-3.15pm.
What is a Sufi Manuscript? – Boris Liebrenz (Leipzig)
Pragmatics of Sufi biographical manuscripts in Central Asia, 16th to 19th centuries – Florian Schwarz (Vienna)
Manuscript Cultures in Alevi Villages in Anatolia – Janina Karolewski (Hamburg)
PANEL 2: 3.45pm-5pm
Court and khanqah in a Mamluk manual of political advice: al-Kashghari’s Taj al-Sa‘ada– Andrew Peacock (St Andrews)
The Kubrawiyya and the Legitimation of Royal Power on Early Islamic Java: The Ruler as Sufi Saint – Alexander Wain (St Andrews)
Saturday 9 October
PANEL 3: 9.30-10.45am
The Mevlevis Through Their Manuscripts, 1268–ca 1400 -Cailah Jackson (Oxford)
The Role of Persian in Early Bektashi and Abdāl Poetry: The Case of Kaygusuz Abdal –
Zeynep Oktay Uslu (Boğaziçi, Istanbul)
PANEL 4: 11.15-1pm
Dreams of a Saffarid King: Exploring Sufi connections- Marc Czarnuszewicz (St Andrews)
Notes on a Central Asian Kubrawi manuscript of the 15th c. – Bruno De Nicola (Goldsmiths / Vienna)
An Introduction to the Unpublished Works of the Sufi Chishtī Master ʿUbayd Allāh Multānī (d. 1305/1888) – Muhammad Tousseef
PANEL 5 2pm-3.15pm
Attributions of Authorship, Remembering and Forgetting in Sufi Manuscripts: A Case Study – Derin Terzioğlu (Boğaziçi, Istanbul)
Non-conventional Sufi manuscripts culture: Ottoman futuwwa manuscripts and their transmission from Anatolia to the Balkans and beyond – Ines Aščerić-Todd (Edinburgh)
PANEL 6 3.45-5.30pm.
Sufi Light in Turkish and Persian Archives-Case Study: Illuminated Mevlevi Manuscripts from Turkey and Persia – Zeynep Aygen (Istanbul)
The Mysticism of Chinese Paper: A Pair of ʿAṭṭār Manuscripts produced for Shāhrukh – Ilse Sturkenboom (Munich)
The world beyond the paper in the Late Herat School of painting – Tawfiq Da’adli (Haifa)
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